ABI launches on Ethereum Mainnet

Dec 18, 2022


Yup, that’s right. As part of Abachi’s plan to be omnipresent on multiple chains, we have launched an official ABI/WETH liquidity pool on Ethereum Mainnet.

You can now trade and swap ABI on Uniswap using the following links:

ABI Token Contract (ETH Mainnet): 0xa31DFe74cDA04de990CafC6a0aB2BB6d6C9077CD

Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xa31dfe74cda04de990cafc6a0ab2bb6d6c9077cd

DexScreener: https://dexscreener.com/ethereum/0xf4fa5ab905ae0a4c7a1547851721dc3c8dfb69f4

Don’t worry, the ABI/DAI LP on Polygon is not going anywhere and you don’t need to do anything as a holder. However, if you wish to bridge your tokens between ETH Mainnet and Polygon, you can use the Multichain bridge and take advantage of arbitrage opportunities if any.

Our team is always available in our Discord, Twitter and Telegram so come say hi and feel free to tag the mods in case of any issues.

